Community Veterans Support (Coming Home Centre, Glasgow)
Charity Number: SCO45047
Company Number: SC474618
Member of Cobseo
Opening Times
Monday – Friday 0900 – 1700
The Pearce Institute
840-860 Govan Road
G51 3UU
David Devenney
Operations Manager
0141 237 8830
We are a Drop In support centre for veterans, we provide free tea and coffee and a daily hot lunch, along with a range of activities and outings.
Holistic and complementary therapies available in sensory room. Our centre also provides basic advice and assistance in benefits, housing, pensions, debt and employment. We also provide an outreach service for veterans.
Delivery Partners in support
ASAP, SSAFA, Glasgow Help for Heroes, Fares4Free, Combat Stress, Rocks2Recovery, Citizens Advice, Glasgow Social Work services, Glasgow Housing Association, SACRO.