Veterans and Community Hub (VC Hub) CIC & Caffinaafi
Charity Number:
Company Number: 14778680

Opening Times
Contact Naomi Horlock for times and events
Connah’s Quay Resource Centre
Fron Road
Connahs Quay
Flintshire CH5 4PJ
The Veterans & Community Hub (the VC Hub) CIC is a newly founded, largely veteran-led organisation based in Connahs Quay, Deeside. The VC Hub is a not-for-profit company set-up to support military veterans, their families and the community in the Deeside area and beyond.
In March Connah’s Quay Town Council agreed to give us a home in a building that had once housed a café. This inspired us to create Caffinaafi, a community café with an ethos that echoes the best qualities of military and civilian social spaces – connection, good humour, a sense of acceptance and belonging, support and camaraderie – along with a decent brew and great coffee.
We are an unfunded organisation dependant on raising income from donations and trading Caffinaafi. As well as this new partnership with 5 Aside Chess, we collaborate with arts organisations such as Re-live and Theatr Clwyd, military organisations such as SSAFA and Woody’s Lodge and statutory agencies such as the Probation Service and DWP. Our well-being activities for veterans and their families include: song-writing, singing, guitar and cornet sessions, model-making and military history groups. We plan to expand the programme and to develop our ideas for a second venue in a semi-rural setting to accommodate some of the more sensitive work we do.
Caffinaafi is supported by Connah’s Quay Town Council, SSAFA, the local and ex-military community and our customers.
Caffinaafi is open Tuesday – Friday 10 – 4pm. Pease contact us for information about our developing programme for veterans. From 2024 we will begin using Caffinaafi in from 4 – 8/8.30pm for veteran and community sessions in using after school Digital Detox; Men’s group; Female Veteran’s group; Music/Jamming sessions.
Delivery Partners in support
The Royal British Legion, Help for Heroes, Woody’s Lodge, NEO Community, CAR(NEW), Models for Heroes, Communities for Work Flintshire, Flintshire Coastal Rangers, NRW, North Wales Police. Community payback for both adults and junior.