Veterans Living History Museum (VLHM Hub/Museum)
Charity Number:
Company Number: 11825354
Opening Times
Thursday 1000 – 1400
VLHM Hub/Museum
Ordnance Street
Wayne Hester
07921 803853
We are a Interactive Military museum and Hub, plus signposting centre (Drop in Centre). We signpost to various veterans groups such Healthier Heroes (Burnley) Bolton Armed Forces Centre, Wigan Armed Forces HQ, VIC and now working with Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation.
We also hold our regimental Colours and service cap / belt for regimental funerals.
We will have brew room ,Quiet room, Hub/Museum hall with seating and pool table, we will also have a project garage for renovating military vehicles, plus volunteer roles on our mobile interactive museum.
Delivery Partners in support
Healthier Heroes, Bolton Armed Forces, VIC, Wigan HQ